1·An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it.
2·This model is an alternative theory for simulation of blast furnace.
3·An alternative theory of generation and migration of petroleum is introduced.
4·However, another alternative theory, called tensor-vector-scalar gravity (TeVeS), does conflict with the new findings.
5·However, the new study poses an alternative theory, that a build-up of sulphur in the half million years before the so-called Ocean Anoxic Event that occurred 94.5.
6·In between Total Control and No Control there must be some alternative theory that's hard to look at squarely because these practical strategic concerns obstruct our view.
7·An alternative theory is that cats above this height simply die more often or have much more serious injuries and so aren’t brought into the veterinarian clinic at all. This seems likely enough.
8·Now let's look at another theory, an alternative to the hunting theory, the climate change theory.
9·An alternative measure, gross domesticincome (GDI), should, in theory, be identical to GDP.
10·Organization theory would consist of a single precept: Always select the alternative, among those available, that lead to the most complete achievement of desired goals.